EUs Mission Board on Climate neutral  Cities 2030

I EUs nya forsknings- och innovationsprogram är ”missions” ett nytt inslag. Syftet med detta är skapa tydliga uppdrag och därmed driva fram innovationer och förändringar. En av dessa uppdrag är att åstadkomma 100 klimatneutral städer till 2030. EU-kommissionen har utsett en ”Mission Board” med 15 personer från hela Europa. Jag var  vice ordförande i styrelsen under 2019-2021.

Vi utnämndes i augusti 2019, startade vårt arbete i september och levererade vår första rapport i december. Den har titeln ”100 Climate neutral Cities 2030 – by and for citizens”. I sammanfattning ser våra rekommendationer ut så här:

  • Support, promote and showcase 100 European cities to make a systemic transformation towards climate neutrality by 2030, and to make these cities experimentation and innovation hubs for all cities in the run to 2050;
  • Offer cities financial means to achieve the mission goals through Horizon Europe, the European Structural and Investment funds, the Just Transition Fund, the Important Projects of Common European Interest, Invest EU and other EU instruments;
  • Build a multi-level, co-creative process, formalised through a Climate City Contract, to turn key barriers in particular innovation; governance; funding, financing and economic models; integrated urban planning; smart technologies and data – into drivers;
  • This mission will be carried out by and for citizens, with a new role as change agents through bottom-up initiatives and innovation, in particular through new forms of governance;
  • Promote a just transition by helping to deliver the UN’s Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals to improve citizens’ wellbeing; by improving air quality, creating jobs, promoting healthier lifestyles, and reducing the negative effects of mobility;
  • Capitalise on existing European climate initiatives and stakeholders – such as the Covenant of Mayors, the European Institute of Innovation and Technology and its relevant Knowledge and Innovation Communities, the Green City Accord, the European Green Capital Cities, the Strategic Energy Technology Plan and its ‘100 Positive Energy Districts’ initiative, the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities;
  • Collaborate with European businesses in order to contribute to innovation and improve their global competitiveness.

Climate neutral cities must also address climate adaptation and resilience through assessment of risks and vulnerabilities, as a basis for their adaptation plans. The inclusion of adaptation in the Climate City Contracts will be further developed with the Climate Adaptation mission

Läs mer om EUs Mission Boards: